exiftool gui免安裝
exiftool gui免安裝

ExifToolGuiPortableishighlycustomizableandoffersfastandflexiblefeaturesthatmakeitusableinalmostanysituation.Itcanreadandwritemakernotes ...,YoucandownloadGUIfromhere.GUIdoesn'tneedtobeinstalled.JustunzipExifToolGUI.zipfileintoanydirectory,createD...

[ 數位影像] ExifTool GUI 一個處理EXIF 的必備軟體

因為他是EXIFTool的GUI介面,所以使用前得先去下載最新版的EXIFTool來配合,才可以使用喔!我們來看看EXIFToolGUI的使用介面,程式很簡潔左邊是資料夾 ...

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Download ExifToolGui Portable

ExifToolGui Portable is highly customizable and offers fast and flexible features that make it usable in almost any situation. It can read and write maker notes ...


You can download GUI from here. GUI doesn't need to be installed. Just unzip ExifToolGUI.zip file into any directory, create Desktop shortcut and GUI is ready ...

ExifToolGUI Portable (Image metadata reader and modifier)

Image metadata reader and modifier ... Runs anywhere (cloud, removable, local) without 'installing'. Use the PortableApps.com Platform for easy ...

ExifToolGUI Portable 6.3.4-2

評分 5.0 (2) · 免費 · Windows The program doesn't require installation, so just launch the executable and select the location where it can decompress. Even though the GUI is rather rugged ...

Making ExifToolGUI portable

Because ExifToolGUI doesn't need to be installed, nor is anything written into registry when running it, ExifToolGUI already is portable. Similar to GUI, ...

Releases · FrankBijnenExifToolGui

Download portable version. ExiftoolGui.exe Executable for Win32; ExiftoolGui_X64.exe Executable for Win64. Note: You should handle all requirements yourself.

[ 數位影像] ExifTool GUI 一個處理EXIF 的必備軟體

因為他是EXIFTool 的GUI 介面,所以使用前得先去下載最新版的EXIFTool 來配合,才可以使用喔! 我們來看看EXIFTool GUI 的使用介面,程式很簡潔左邊是資料夾 ...

[PC]ExifTool & ExifToolGUI 編輯相片Exif 資訊 - 流浪。生活誌

... 下載連結:exiftool-9.05.zip. ExifTool GUI官方下載連結:ExifTool GUI for Windows. 安裝 ... ExifTool 及ExifTool GUI 是好用的工具,也請大家用在正當 ...

[下載]ExifToolGUI v5.15 免安裝版數位照片Exif資訊編輯工具

[下載]ExifToolGUI v5.15 免安裝版數位照片Exif資訊編輯工具. ExitToolGUI為ExifTool的圖形視窗界面,而ExifTool是一款用於查看/編輯圖片檔案內描述性資料( ...

[工具] 修改照片拍攝時間與相機參數- Exiftool GUI

這兩套軟體都是免安裝就可以使用的,照上面步驟解壓縮完並放在一起後你應該會看到 ... Mac 安裝檔- ExifTool-12.13.dmg; Unix / Linux 原始碼壓縮檔- Image ...


ExifToolGuiPortableishighlycustomizableandoffersfastandflexiblefeaturesthatmakeitusableinalmostanysituation.Itcanreadandwritemakernotes ...,YoucandownloadGUIfromhere.GUIdoesn'tneedtobeinstalled.JustunzipExifToolGUI.zipfileintoanydirectory,createDesktopshortcutandGUIisready ...,Imagemetadatareaderandmodifier...Runsanywhere(cloud,removable,local)without'installing'.UsethePortableApps.comPlatform...